.Please inquire about payment methods other than cash. We only accept pre-approved checks.
COMPUTERS WORKED ON: Any computer that is 7+ years old needs to be replaced. These could crash at any moment and you will lose all your stuff. A good rule of thumb: If you can't remember when you bought it, call us to help replace it! Package includes computer selection & setup. (Transfering items are extra).
LOCATION: Mutual meeting place, drop off/pick up (Hartford WI area), remote in or *in-home/office service.
PRINTERS: Limited to setup or troubleshooting wireless. You are often better off purchasing a new printer if yours fails. The cost of service will exceed cost of new printer.
COURTESY: We will treat you will respect, please do the same.
RATES: Flat rate. Please ask ahead of time if you want an estimate for your project or are just doing a lesson or 2. *Deposit/full payment required on setup / ongoing projects / remote visits.
WARRANTY: Due to the nature of technology, no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied. No refunds or free "re-fixes."