how we can help you
Computer Clean up / Tune up
Virus Removal
Email Reset or Recovery
Troubleshoot printer issues
Set up printer to print wireless to other devices (when possible)
Set up new computer (s) or phone (s)
Set up wireless network and/or devices to connect
Set up smart speakers & devices
Password Recovery / Reset
Create, Type & print ads, data entry, spreadsheets & letters for you or provide instruction
General Computer, Tablet, TV, speaker & smart Phone Instruction
Software Installation
Organization (home, home office, work office/business)
Set up & learn how to access your accounts online such as: financial, health chart, documents, email & more!
General Tech and Home help (note: no medical help provided)
Help you sell your stuff
Help with your "to do" list
Help with hobbies/creative stuff/card making
Create a photo slide show or show you how to do it
Restore/recover photos and documents (as we're able to)
Transfer your items (as able)